Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Shopping today,
Bought a new bathtub, sink, vanity top, faucets, tub guts, etc. at Lowes
and flooring at Lumber Liquidators.
Picking out paint too.

Well several months ago the upstairs plumbing was leaking, we assumed it was the toilet, got that replaced along with some of the subfloor....  thought it was all healed.....  thought,

Well, when Bryan and family were here for BB services, the first shower caused the ceiling in the breakfast room to bubble again.....  so the rest if the visits, they showered downstairs....  i guess with workers now, you have to be specific.  Oh yea, I forgot the first plumber never returned, had to call in a second one...

While I can and will paint, and will lay the new flooring, I dont do plumbing.....  nonono...
Prior to LVAD, Larry and I would have tackled all of this on our own, but while he is getting better, this is just beyond his limit.....

It is a guestbath, and seldom used, but still a hassle to have deal with this twice in a few months.

Photos when done....  but in the meantime.....

This willbe the new floor...  same as utility room, just a different color... not mine, just a photo on website....

Do you know what these are for?
 Larry finally replced the honors he received while serving...  the ones he received were destroyed by his previous spouse in anger and spite......

For most of my adult life, the day AFTER Christmas has been my favorite day of the holidays, because it was finally the day I could kick back and enjoy and relax....  I never enjoyed Christmas because I wanted to be in my own home with my family, but that never happened...  i am quite sure I have forgotten or even missed seeing many of the blessings that I received, as I just wasnt a very happy person, and I didn’t like myself.  When Larry and I married and got the RV, we began running away from Christmas, as it was just too depressing, but maybe this year I have finally grown up.....  Christmas this year brough me the most wonderful gift....  another day with Larry....  He was healthy enough to drive to visit two grands, and while the other three are in Florida, they were here last weekend..... these great kids make me smile, and have also let me join in with their fun and laughter..

 I am looking forward to a Healthy New Year, maybe Larry will get strong enought to continue with our rv travels, maybe not, but I am positive that no matter where, we will continue to grow our love and friendship bond......

So...... here are a few Christmas grand photo.....