Saturday, May 27, 2017

June 1st will be a dinner reunion for the Baptist Health LVAD & heart transplant patients.  The men and women who work there are not only dedicated health professionals, they are loving, friendly caregivers....  just an amazing group.....

I asked if I could donate a painting to be given to one of the caregivers.  They have never done this before, but after discussion, they saud yes, thank you....   I dont know how they are going to do it, but here is the painting.  It is 18'' by 32'', a watercolor on paper.   I mounted it to a board and then waxed the surface to protect it.

Foley anchors do not stick well in Larrys skin.  They are used to hold the driveline from pulling. A stabilizer to try to keep it secure....   we were changing them almost every day, the alternate days I was taping them so they would stay longer....

Anyway, I came up with an anchor of our own, at least for now, this works, and has Dr. Ransom's blessing to use....  

Flowers were delivered....   from my sweet husband....   he isnt driving yet, so LOL, he said no card

This is our joke, we usually do no presents, just cards...   since I knew he wouldnt be getting me a card, I didnt buy one for him.....  instead I had one in my card stash that I had bought 4 years ago and never given.....  it was just a "time spent daily with you" kinda card.....   I gave it to US...  but he did give me a present, himself for a few more days, moths, and hopefully years,   plus from the hospital he bought me a new diamond anniversary ring......  LOVE is good..
Even though he doesnt do facebook, smile...

On Thursday, May 25th we celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary.  When we married, Larry had just gotten out of the same hospital after a 23 day stay.  He had gall stones and one got lodged in his pancreatic duct, causing severe pancreatitis.  When be went in, they told me he might not live through that.....  we had already made wedding plans, sent invitations etc, so yes we did get married, he doesnt remember much after all of those days on BIG pain killers...  and the year before he had survived a heart attack and 5 bypasses (before we met).....

So IF he ever reads this blog.....  Happy Anniversary my love.....  i treasure each day as if it was a year.

WAYNE, informed me this morning by email, that he hasnt heard from me since the 18th....   yep...  things are going well......  for the most part.

You see, dear Wayne, I have had laryngitis, so could not talk, naturally being a blonde, I thought I could not write either... smile....

Ok, I have had a tiny cold, Larry has as well....   just enough to be bothersome...
Nothing serious....  but our schedule has been full, so I just got preoccupied..

Mondays, we go to clinic for his INR blood test, to get his Warfarin dosage.
Tuesdays, I go to get my Iron infusion, takes all morning.
Wednesday, I had a touch of tummy issue, think now it was another kidney stone moving.
Thursday, this week my mom and friend came over for brunch and visit.
Friday, i had to get blonded.
Today, we did the Walmart rehab therapy walk.

Oh, each day, we have breakfast, do whatever, have lunch, take nap, do dressing change, have a cuppa hot tea, prepare supper, eat.....  so it just seems that time fades from one hour into the next....

So, my friend Wayne.......  that is why I have been quiet...  Possum called one afternoon during dressing change, I missed it, but couldnt talk anyway...   BUT voice is coming back...
Give Earlene my hug.

I am taking really good care of Larry....   plus he smiles a lot more now that he feels better.