Friday, August 4, 2017

Was walking into Kroger when this really LOUD alarm went off....  i looked around to see whose car alarm was going off, when all of a sudden my phone was blinking as well.....   i forgot that I had given nurse Tori this very special ring tone so I would not miss a call from her..

Ok.... it was TORI.....  she asked if Larry would do an new LVAD patient conference.....  when they know there is going to be a new LVAD recipient, they ask a current patient to go talk to them.... i was not there when Larry's person came..... but it is a really great support thing.....

 this patient is getting a swan catheter in the morning to measure heart pressures.. ( Larry had his swan in for about 5 days before the surgery, the entire time it is in, you remain in CVICU) . He is scheduled for his lvad implant on Tuesday....   so when I got home I told Larry....   he said sure, so while I was putting up the groceries, this is how he answered Tori.....   i really like their relationship.......

So anyhow, we will go tomorrow to visit and I will try to remain outside and be quiet....  I will share my name and number with his wife......  for later questions... I am positive she will need the information later....  at this point it is OVERWHELMING, to say the least.....  but please remember them in prayers,as well as the medical team......

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Steamed carpet again today, steamed doggie crates, washed all bedding, to include sofa throws....
Hopefully that will do it...  need to do the studio again,
And then fingers crossed that the possum fleas are all gone......  i still am disgusted by it all....

Larry seems to be doing better each day inspite of the pill camera fiasco....  will post on monday after the next xray, when we get results....  also have an appointment at clinic that day.

Today was my last trip to dentist for a bit...  had to do some laser shaving in some area where dental implants were...  all i know is it is sore....

Weather here is unreal... lows in the 60's, highs in mid 80's....  this is August....  our hottest month in Arkansas...  in fact in 2011 there was record highs for this day....  makes me ponder.......  what?

In spite of everything going a bit off track, I am thankful for each day that I have with Larry...

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Today was pamper me day...  haircut and color...💇🏼 my hair grows about an inch a month... lots of white was showing......  I told my sweet stylist that i appreciated the therapy as much as the haircut....   lol...  she was doing her own bangs bright pink... totally love it on her, but nope never been tempted..  but i needed that....  

when i got home the driveway had been sprayed off.... i am glad Larry felt like doing it, but it worries me, but he did say he had his phone with him.... 📲so i just praised him instead of being a mother hen.....  

Last night I was talking to son about Larry's pill cam, it really doesnt happen very often...  again one of those freak things....   another xray on monday...  if it doesnt pass, then yes they might have to do surgery...  larry wasnt sure of the exact location... he is not very science inclined....  doesnt like medical issues or discussions.... guess I really do need to have him watch 
"Fantastic Voyage movie", my first year out of college, I taught 7th grade life science, learned a lot that year... but I also showed the movie.... 👩🏼‍🏫
 He will be getting another xray to see if the pill cam 💊is still in residence, and they do have him scheduled for a different gastric scan on the 11th...  this one will be a nuclear scan....

Thank you to those who are still reading, who are still commenting both on here and personally, and to those who are still praying...  we are both very appreciative and are not done yet...  just need more 🌈rainbows after the rain 🌧

Diane 💗Larry

Monday, July 31, 2017

Still there

Oh yes.... the pill camera is still in Larry's digestive tract.... comeback next week for another xray, UNLESS you begin having any pain..... yes really...

Again..... this is what it looks like.

But at least his hemoglobin/hematocrit are good...  not dropping, so no bleeding right now....

Fleas seem to be gone....  my flea bites are not itching anymore...  so maybe that is good news....  

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday again already

the weeks fly by....  one day melts into the next....  sometimes there is just no real difference in those days.....  each day I wonder what new develpoments are in store and find myself hoping for just baby steps to get up the hill......

This past few days:
Everyday - still on the get rid of fleas mission
Mon - back to lab, xray, and clinic for Dr Ransom appointment
Tues - active flea wars
Wed- of course the pill cam.... seemed all was good
Thurs - the call early am that the pill cam never got past Larrys stomach
Fri- a letter suggesting Larry might have gastroparesis....
Sat- 🌞Katie brought Anna and Hayes down for a visit...  Larrys blood pressure reading was the best
               it has been in a month after they left.....
Sun- cooler temps....

Back tomorrow for labs, back for xray to see if pill cam is still there....
We are on every other day for driveline dressing change, his breathing was helped by going back on the diuretics....

Just a few photos.....
dogs are in tshirts to try to help them from scratching flea area, treating them and me with hydrocortisone spray

Anna and Hayes and I were making books, used a thermal book binder that Larry bought sbout 6 years ago in a clearance sale...
letter from GI doc, who did graduate med school with son and dil..