Saturday, July 8, 2017

Today's outing

Today we went to the Art sale of all of the great artists, that I used to paint with...... used to every Thursday I packed up my stuff and went and painted....  did this for about 5 years, possibly more.  I was a beginner whe I first began, but I watched.....  most of these artists had moved on past watercolor to acrylics, but I stayed with watercolor... several times I attempted pouring acrylics, or some other idea, but it just never was me....  i also spent as much time teaching computer skills and smart phone skills as I did painting.....  but these mentors are still my friends....

Took my "TROPHY'' with me to show off....  that is what Larry said on our way home...  yes, I guess that is kinda what I did, but mainly I needed to see......  if you are interested in art, most of these have their own websites or facebook pages....

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Reese Cup....

Larry went with me today to Kroger.  He knew he needed to get out....  all was fine, he used his cane from the jeep to get a cart/buggy.... and we were doing great...  I buy more when he is with me, because I go slower, and I see more.....

About 2/3 of the way done, I looked around and he was eyeing a candy display... reese peanut butter cups.......  next thing, he ripped it open and began eating...  he had a sugar drop....  thank goodness he ate it, when we got home it had come up to 85....  had trouble scanning the wrapper, as he had torn the bar code....

Our visit with the new endocrine doctor was not satusfactory to either of us...  not at all pleased with his manner, his trying to sell his book, his tests with only 7 results from 13 vials....  still have no idea what they did with half of them....  and he totally changed Larrys insulin with very poor results, more highs and lows in a werk than in the last month.   So told our LVAD coordinator we were not going back to him....

Anyway, I took a good nap after a little episode of my own, offering no details,  but yes I am ok...

Oh.....  one more thing.... got a letter in the mail from our neighborhood association asking us to please finish our landscaping project before the end of July........   ha....  the house next door to me has been empty and abandoned for 3 years, had squatters for 3 years, and I get the letter...
NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.......  not yet....

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Yesterdays fall fallout.....

Patriotic toe.......  falls are scary when you are on coumadin....   brain bleeds can be fatal.... much worse than a GI bleed....  and yes he needs a pedicure.....   it's on my to do list....  not sure about his elbow, it is bandaged up.....  little things can so easily become big things.....

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 4th...

quiet... nope even in the city limits, where it Is illegal, there are fireworks going off.....  My dogs hate them, but arent afraid of them.....  just wondering what the noise is.....

Quiet....  no activity much... just spending time not doing anything.....

Quiet....  went out to eat last night... lol  went at 5;15 like the senior citizens because it is quieter....

Quiet....  decided to go up and turn on that laptop that hasnt been on it 2 years, will probaby take all day for updates...

BOOM....   Larry fell coming out of the bedroom, hit elbow, head, and ankle....  think he is ok... watching him...  had too much in his hands and said he miscalculated the step...

QTπ has an ear infection and is on drops

LitaBit has a skin allergy and has to wear a tshirt to keep her from pulling all of her hair out...

And it is only 1 pm.....  think I will go take a nap..    please no more fireworks....  even though these are tiny ones, they make me dread the bigger ones.....

The sash bag....

Saw it online....  Larry ordered it, and while not the perfect bag...  it does distribute the weight of the batteries.....