Friday, June 23, 2017


laughter is good medicine, childrens laughter is better, GRANDCHILDRENS laughter is the best.

Two of the grands left today, even though I tried my best to get them to stay for 2 weeks, not just 3 nights, they went home.... they are 8 and 6 years old, and this was their longest stay without parents....  makes me miss the other three even more.

We laughed, played games, made lots of art projects, shopped, ate out, cooked, watched movies, snuggled,  just too much to even describe....  Anna sewed her first dress, Hayes sewed a pillow...
Toured the Air Force Base, observed the driveline dressing changes....

But when Larry and I took them to meet their mom, we asked what their most favorite project was.....   without hesitation they both said it was "scraping the carrots"......

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sorry, forgot to update....

Larry was doing great Friday after the colonscopy, his hematacrit had come up another point and was stable, but we were surprised that he got to go home.... we were expecting not until Saturday.  In fact we had ordered his lunch, they came in with his discharge papers and said ok you can go whenever you want....  so we waited fir lunch...  he had been only on clear liquids, for 2 days, so he was hungry.....  

Anyway got home about 1 on Friday, just in time for naps...  

Ok....  an explanation here.....
His h/h had dropped too much, had to give him 3 bags of blood.

his surgery...
One day was endoscopy
Another day was colonscopy with 2 polyps removed

While it is not "surgery" for most of us, for an LVAD patient it is....
Take them into actual surgery suite.... but no preop, go straight from the LVAD floor to surgery,
They have to drop his INR to do it, so it is kinda critical because of danger of blood clots in his pump.
Did NOT find any internal bleeding, which is good/bad
Good because it us just good, but dont know what did cause it, 
They cannot do small intestine by scope, have to use a swallowed pill camera for that, so for now, he is back home.   Right now there are no plans to do this. Hopefully it was just a random bleed possibly caused by the warfarin... and will never happen again, but it might. They will try to keep his dosage a little bit lower, and watch his numbers...

Larry and I had both thought that the way he was feeling was caused by the LVAD itself.  Neither of us had considered that ge was anemic.....  ironic, I just finished my iron infusion series on Tuesday for my Iron Deficiency Anemia.

He is feeling good, much stronger, 
this morning (Sunday) he walked all over Sams Club.

Another blood count tomorrow. Then will see the doctor again next Monday..

We appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers...  i appreciate more time with Larry....