Saturday, April 1, 2017

Spent a little bit of time outside,
drinking a cuppa tea (Martin & Sue)
Watching LitaBit wander around.
QTπ sat in my lap most if the time
Listening to the birds
Watched a red headed woodpecker.
Calming time.

Good talk last night...  Larry is still worried about being plugged in the rest of his life,  but i keep reminding him without it, there is no rest, and I dont want to be alone yet.... so he said he never thought about it from my side....

but he did sleep better last night, which means I did too.

It is hard to see him plugged in, or carrying his batteries....  but think over time that will get easier too.   It has only been a week home...  he counts recovery from surgery date, but he had a setback that he forgets....

I dont think he has read this blog yet, but he is on his ipad right now....  i dont snoop, so not sure what he is doing.....   but he is doing something, that is good...  oh he said he just ordered coffee beans, he doesnt like my taste in beans....   i like darker with more flavor, he likes breakfast blend.... colored water....

I am getting out just about every day, running errands mostly, but forcing myself to get us both accustomed to me not always being there....   i worry when I leave him, but I know I have to.... he is to call his LVAD coordinator first, then 911, then me......  thats the order....  set his phone up so the LVAD is the first number on his contact list, as well as in his favorites...

Now trying to train the dogs so that when they hear his loud alarm, they are to come find me....  he tests it each morning, and can "check" it, so that is what I am working on..... they have been so good.. neither one has tried to jump into his lap, they will stand in front of him for their scratches....  they havent barked at any of the home health nurses, they know they have to stay out when doing dressing changes....

Wish most of our friends were closer in miles, phone just isnt the same..

This memory popped up on my facebook today..

Friday, March 31, 2017

Lack of energy seems to be Larry's main complaint now....  he says he just cant get over the hump.....
So trying to get him to drink more muscle milk and protein...  lol but he hates the taste.

I also think this is depression....  which is to be expected.  I keep trying to get him to go gor a ride with me...  nope, but at least he will go sit on the deck some....

I dont see him on his ipad much, maybe soon he will respond to some of our friends....

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Well.....  not much to report....  made a grocery store trip yesterday, mainly for snack and lunch items as Home Chef is working out wonderfully... the three meals we had had leftover enough for 2 additional meals, repurposed slightly....  just got delivery today for next round.  You can choose the day you want them delivered...  wed-fri...  anyway waited until after Home Health nurse had left...

The rest if the day was relaxed.  We sat out on the deck for an afternoon cuppa tea...  Larry has reverted to tea, as coffee seems too heavy to him...  fine for me.. i am a tea drinker as well....  we also sat out again this afternoon....

Just got our first shipment of "supplies'' for driveline dressing changes...  each of these are designed for single use, so that will be great...  i have been using larger quantity hospital stuff....  where you had to open every single packet of 4x4'' gauze

for each day dressing change, it is:
2 sterile towels
2 drain sponges
10 gauze sponges
3 squirts of clens liquid
Equal amount of sterile saline water
Sterile gloves
Foley anchor to keep the dtiveline from pulling out
And tape

Got 4 boxes of supplies today...
 instead of opening every single gauze packet, the new ones are in sets of 5, one use size of water....
It was difficult to learn how to open without touching anything on the inside....
But the gloves were the most frustrating to me...  but once i got a set and practiced about 10 times, I got it...

Then.  Oh yes then...  took LitaBit in for her annual checkup and shots, 3 weeks late (playing catchup) and QTπ had a sandflea bite that needed attention.... meds for her and maybe a return visit...

Now watching the radar on tv....  all that is on...  hope the storms fizzle out before any more damage is done.... be alert...

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Thank you cousin Sharon, you are the best...

We both appreciate the bright sunny spot....

Monday, March 27, 2017

Doctor checkup was great....
saw Dr Ransom and Dr Hutchins, lab work, xray,
and of course our VAD co-ordinator Tori......
       Her RX for next week was to get out and do something fun before we come back.

Go back again next Monday, continue on all meds the same....

Inside joke..... showed our Halloween costume to Dr Ransom......
thought he was going to Rofl....  he loved that one....

Ok  for those
who werent there....

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Happy to report the rest of the day was good.
I bagged leaves, Larry trimmed his beard......

(Oh I did make a small cheesecake yesterday.... )

Then HomeChef tonight,  it is good, I am pleased so far.

Tomorrow early afternoon is doctor appointment, so will wait until after that to post...

Thunderstorm are forecast for tonight......  this is another scary time for us...
if our electricity goes out....
Larry has moved his batteries to bedside....
his alarm on his controller is loud....

Several of our friends also have prayer needs....
please remember that we all have spoken and unspoken needs....
there are many, many of you that I hold in my heart....  with love...
Calmer, smoother, better........  my day so far
Less fuzzy, good vital signs, napping........ Larrys day so far.