Friday, January 19, 2018

Yes it is a new year, 2018, but I think I will choose to celebrate a new year on March 7.......

Smile....  whats going on.....
*** Well, I began passing a kidney stone new years eve, unfortunately the stone didnt pass until January 12th...... I sure hope that doesnt indicate how the rest of the year is going to go.

*** Larry had his gum procedure on Jan. 11th, oral surgeon opened up 2 places on his front gums, ground and snipped the bone, smoothed it, and stitched it back up....   not much bleeding and pain wasnt bad....  so he is healing just fine. Should be able to try his new dentures next week.

*** discovered the leak we thought was the upstairs bathroom must be the tub, so contracted with Lowes to get new tub, the kicker on that is there is a window over the tub, a panel surround wont work, so we will have to tile....  gonna be a basic white subway tile, I was hurting too bad with my stone that I didnt even go pick it out...

*** have had really cold weather, the coldest I remember, and then snow....  I began experiment with freezing bubbles.

*** had the power go out in the middle if the night.... THE LVAD ALARMS DO WORK.....  they were loud.  Larry jumped up and switched to battery faster than I could even blink....  so proud of him.   I texted Entergy, and then we lit the gas fireplace in the bedroom and the wood fire insert in the living room, thankfully the power came back on about 7am....  but that was 7 hours....

Larry has 3 sets of batteries that he rotates and keeps charged, but that is only about 36 hours at most.
Thinking bck we were without power a few years ago for 5 days, and in the summer we lose power from squirrels playing in the transformers and spring storms......  so a few months ago he bought a nice size portable generator, but that means going out, hooking it to power cords, running them in and starting it up.....   well after a long discussion we decided to go ahead and invest most of our savings into a whole house backup system....   life is hard to put a price tag on.....  yes it is a tax write off, but that is next year....

I did some research, no grants available, and even the people in the natural disaster areas could not get help with getting one of these units.....   it will be a gas unit that hooks into our existing line and will start up within minutes in an outage..... but at a hefty pricetag....

Ok some frozen bubble photos.....