Thursday, April 5, 2018

Vad vest

Like every other LVAD patient, Larry has tried many different ways to carry his equipment.  It is the equivalent if carrying a heavy purse ALL of the time, when he is on battery and not connected via his direct power line.

At the LVAD Support group here a few weeks ago, aman had some of these that he really liked, so Larry has ordered on to see if maybe that will help him.  His back hurts constantly....

Here is the link to their website.

Ruzich Vad Vest

Microsafe Capilary Tubes

When we find new products, I try to add them to my link here.   Some of them are great for other health issues.

Microsafe Capilary Tubes are very small suction devices...

Microsafe Capilary Tube video

when Larry tests his blood sugar only a drop if blood is needed, but when he tests his INR for blood thinner, more is needed, and to get an accurate reading requires some careful maneuvering, because the devuce has to be level on a table..... we automatically receive 6 a month, and he tests once a week, so little room for mess up.....  these cute little things allow him to draw enough blood to place the correct amount on both meters with one stick........

He first bought them on Amazon, but then bought them on Ebay cheaper.  There are a couple of different brands....