Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Larry is doing really good... After his kidney failure recovery, he surprised us all and his kidneys are rebounding...  still weak after muscle loss, but is making great progress...  we are trying to maintain all of his new diet restrictions....  no potatoes, no tomatoes, are the hardest for him.

Sorry I just forget to post, not many still follow this blog, but a few do.

So how about some photos...

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Just ordered a LVAD charm from a really nice lady on the LVAD Friends facebook page.  Wanted one that said Husband is LVAD strong....  and wow, she made it in like 3 hours....  after visiting with her, I learned that her husband just got his LVAD in March, and the day he had his surgery is the day they began NO VISITOR policy... he is young, 36 years old, so please keep them in your prayers, and here is her Etsy page.

Liz Wyser.