Thursday, March 16, 2017

Have been contemplating going gray....  or returning to gray, or saving my monies...  but today I renewed my vow to be a BAG lady (blonde after gray)....   i have been looking at the two inches of white hair and finally decided I need to stay blonde in irder to keep up with Larry when he gets out..

Thanks to Kristen for doing my hair on short notice, but I feel sassier...

Just got back from a walk with my sweetie... he walked to the nurses station and back, think it was 222 feet....   was on battery and I was pushing the IV pole for him....  he is using a walker for stability, but consudering how swollen his feet are, I thought he did super....


  1. It's been a crazy last couple of days for y'all! Sounds like Larry's making good progress, and hopefully will be able to go home soon. Now, if you can just keep the wandering cats out of the house!

  2. I need to see a pic please.........does it look like Larry's swelling is going down at all?


Thank you for your post.