Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Thank you cousin Sharon, you are the best...

We both appreciate the bright sunny spot....


  1. Glad to see that you are settling into your new normal!

  2. Thank you so much for the picture. I wanted sunflowers for a sunny "feel." How often do you change the dressing? It sounds as though you have it all figured out! Good for you! Blessings to you and Larry. BTW, Tim Joiner was over here and he had forgotten that we were first cousins. He has been keeping up with Larry's progress. I love you and will be available to talk or visit when you let me know you are ready.

    1. EVERY day.... in a few months, they will change the type of dressing and he should be able to learn to do it.....

      I forgot to mention EVERY person in the room has to wear a mask, and we have to turn off ceiling fans etc.....


Thank you for your post.