Thursday, April 6, 2017

Hmmmmm  recovery going well....  Larry is becoming more and more independent....   so this morning I spent all morning in my studio.....  i am getting back into painting...  havent done much in the last year because of travel and other things, like lst year I broke my right hanf, but it is time.....

I did get Larry out for a ride this afternoon, no destination, just getting him out and about...

Yesterday I organized his dressing supplies...  it was too hard for me to deal with the cardboard boxes....  i just couldnt see what was where...  will have to keep a week ahead on supplies so...  maybe I am a little bit OCD.....


  1. I am so glad life is becoming your new normal!!! Painting!!!! Yeah

    Daily rides creating more you both! Smile.....

  2. Glad you got out for a ride and a little painting. That's a lot of medical supplies. Ok to be OCD with that. Makes it easier in the long run. Hang in there. You are doing a great job. Happy Valerian is doing better


Thank you for your post.