Monday, May 15, 2017

While my anemia is again active, I am motivated to do some fixups since we are home for awhile.
And I am very handy myself.....  Added undercounter LED lights in my kitchen.

Cleaned 4 years of leaves off of this deck on the side of our home, which had become a junk pile, storage area.

And keeping this deck clean and usuable.  This has been Larrys duty in the past....

 just a peek at our backyard....  in the city, but love our forest.....


  1. For some reason this post showed up for me to see today. I look all the time.....anyways I love the undercounted lighting! And your back yard looks amazing! Very peaceful and beautiful too.

  2. Great job Diane. Everything looks beautiful. If you ever come back to Baltimore I'd like to hire you. This house needs a lot of work :-)


Thank you for your post.