Thursday, July 13, 2017

Keeping my man compny......  will watch him, maybe later dismissal, but probably tomorrow. Labs some better, but gad an extreme low in blood sugar this morning....  hard to tell difference in liw sugar and anemia...

Poop on counter again this morning....  does anyone know what to do..... i really need suggestions...


  1. I have used Black pepper before to get rid of cats. If you can close off that area you can use black pepper - put it out heavy and the cat should disappear. I bought a big container from Costco and just threw it everywhere - had to cover my mouth and nose before doing this. Then left it for 24 hours and went in and vacuumed the area after checking for holes and entry ways. Hope this helps.

  2. Just now, when coming home, the neighbor was outside, stopped and talked to him.... that cat had gone wacko, and they got rid of it in May..... so chances are it is either a raccoon or an opposum....

    Either way, at lunch I went to Home Depot and bought a $50 animal trap, brought it home, set it up and baited it... now to see if I catch the dang thing tonight.... if you hear me scream in the morning, then I probably caught it....

    But Larry is coming home in the morning, pill cam next week, hopefully on Tuesday....


Thank you for your post.