Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday again already

the weeks fly by....  one day melts into the next....  sometimes there is just no real difference in those days.....  each day I wonder what new develpoments are in store and find myself hoping for just baby steps to get up the hill......

This past few days:
Everyday - still on the get rid of fleas mission
Mon - back to lab, xray, and clinic for Dr Ransom appointment
Tues - active flea wars
Wed- of course the pill cam.... seemed all was good
Thurs - the call early am that the pill cam never got past Larrys stomach
Fri- a letter suggesting Larry might have gastroparesis....
Sat- 🌞Katie brought Anna and Hayes down for a visit...  Larrys blood pressure reading was the best
               it has been in a month after they left.....
Sun- cooler temps....

Back tomorrow for labs, back for xray to see if pill cam is still there....
We are on every other day for driveline dressing change, his breathing was helped by going back on the diuretics....

Just a few photos.....
dogs are in tshirts to try to help them from scratching flea area, treating them and me with hydrocortisone spray

Anna and Hayes and I were making books, used a thermal book binder that Larry bought sbout 6 years ago in a clearance sale...
letter from GI doc, who did graduate med school with son and dil..

1 comment:

  1. Like what I see. Aren't grands great?

    Do you have a complete house fumigation planned or is that a no-no with Larry and the dogs returning to the house following such a treatment?

    Looking forward to the Urban Grand Curiosity in early November.


Thank you for your post.