Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Been watching and praying for Harvey victims....   finished up the utility room floor, began on major cleaning out of studio.....  found some more possum poop.....  

But the news of the day is me, not Larry....  i had a nasty fall in middle of night coming from bathroom....  turned, lost balance and fell smack on my right eye...   couldnt assess damage last night, got bleeding stopped.....   larry did a makeshift ice bag with ice from his night watercup.....

Today pretty sore...


  1. Please be careful! I love the floor so much.

  2. I have two comments.

    1. I didn't know Dennis visited you

    2. Yeah! Right! Same story as "I bumped into a door."

    Tell Larry to behave himself.

    Actually sorry to hear of the fall. As I get wiser in age I found out that I now have to grab or touch something when I first get up. (Come on, keep it clean)


Thank you for your post.