Friday, August 4, 2017

Was walking into Kroger when this really LOUD alarm went off....  i looked around to see whose car alarm was going off, when all of a sudden my phone was blinking as well.....   i forgot that I had given nurse Tori this very special ring tone so I would not miss a call from her..

Ok.... it was TORI.....  she asked if Larry would do an new LVAD patient conference.....  when they know there is going to be a new LVAD recipient, they ask a current patient to go talk to them.... i was not there when Larry's person came..... but it is a really great support thing.....

 this patient is getting a swan catheter in the morning to measure heart pressures.. ( Larry had his swan in for about 5 days before the surgery, the entire time it is in, you remain in CVICU) . He is scheduled for his lvad implant on Tuesday....   so when I got home I told Larry....   he said sure, so while I was putting up the groceries, this is how he answered Tori.....   i really like their relationship.......

So anyhow, we will go tomorrow to visit and I will try to remain outside and be quiet....  I will share my name and number with his wife......  for later questions... I am positive she will need the information later....  at this point it is OVERWHELMING, to say the least.....  but please remember them in prayers,as well as the medical team......


  1. The BS artist that Larry is there should be no problem.

    And you are going to sit there and be quiet! Yeah, right.

  2. Make sure you point them to this blog.. Very informative for LVAD host & the caregiver..

    Wayne, for a change I totally agree with you..

    Will wonders never cease??

  3. Smile... of course I didnt keep quiet.... never intended to.... but I did know who would notice it..... and yes, I took a notebook to Susan with my blog url as well as my phone number.....

  4. They are in good hands with you two therefore support! I love the text nesssge between Larry and Tori lol ��


Thank you for your post.