Saturday, September 23, 2017


wont be going home today, his INR is still too low (1.3) to release him,
so he will continue to be on a heparin drip....   check it every 3 hours....  

So he will lay back and watch football....  and surf the net....

Pain still not too bad, but he is still taking pain meds... to keep it controlled.
Ate oatmeal for breakfast...   gonna try blended potato soup for lunch..

His spirits are really good...  talking better than he thought he would...
But not up to conversations...  lol, but then that is not uncommon.....


  1. Ummm! Tell him I'm thinking of a nice big juicy steak!

  2. Sound like he is doing well! How did th blended potato soup go?

  3. Wayne, he had steak on wed night.... also last week, corn on cob...etc, whatever he wanted.

    He is doing well..has swallowed everything he has gotten... being an old pro, I taught him to turn his spoon and use his tongue rather than teeth or gums to slide yogurt, pudding, soup etc off if the spoon.... he just looked at me in amazement... funny, he forgets my dental history....

    But aready tired, ready to come home, but blood needs to thin some.... INR was 1.3 last reading, minimum of 1.6 before they will relese it, want it at 1.8... on heparin drip....

    I just got home. Gonnastay and rest, back in the morning....


Thank you for your post.