Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Two tests done today...  nap, then out to eat tonight...
Thursday will check into hospital by 9am....
iv fluids, type and match blood, etc.....
Surgery is not until 5pm.....  the oral surgeons time slot....
Thursday night he will be in the CVICU....  which means he gets great care....

But prayers are always appreciated...

Edit for wayne
Test 1 was pulmonary function test...  he got to blow, smile
Test 2 was a 6 minute test with Tori....   lol, only got to walk for 6 minutes...

Test 3 was talking to Wayne on the phone,
Wayne, you so bad.... but I love you so much dear friend....


  1. Oh wait! Eating is a test? I know I can pass that one.

  2. Oh wow! I have always though of a nap, at my age, as Happy Hour. Now I find out it is a test! I'm going to have to study harder.

  3. I will be by my phone so please post updates if you get time. Sending prayers, love and hugs.

  4. Di, Thanks for straitening out the tests for me. I know it is easy for you to be confused. :-)


Thank you for your post.