Friday, June 23, 2017


laughter is good medicine, childrens laughter is better, GRANDCHILDRENS laughter is the best.

Two of the grands left today, even though I tried my best to get them to stay for 2 weeks, not just 3 nights, they went home.... they are 8 and 6 years old, and this was their longest stay without parents....  makes me miss the other three even more.

We laughed, played games, made lots of art projects, shopped, ate out, cooked, watched movies, snuggled,  just too much to even describe....  Anna sewed her first dress, Hayes sewed a pillow...
Toured the Air Force Base, observed the driveline dressing changes....

But when Larry and I took them to meet their mom, we asked what their most favorite project was.....   without hesitation they both said it was "scraping the carrots"......


  1. Is funny; I love my kids with all my heart ❤️. But there is nothing like grandkids 💕

  2. What a wonderful time they had!! Good for ALL of you!

  3. They should stay young, just like puppies.

    Looks like you have an upcoming artist.

  4. Enjoyed having them sooooooo much. They are just amazing & awesome. I enjoy the interaction with them, even at their young ages. But don't let the ages fool you, their brains & actions make them much older.

    WELL, had my first shower since February.........sure felt good.......even with the batteries & controller attached.


Thank you for your post.