Saturday, May 19, 2018

Getting out

Sometimes the easiest thing to do is to stay tucked into our cave and just let the days go by, However I truly think that Larry was given this opportunity to get out again...... possibly it is my desire and not his, but whatever the cause, we are traveling again. We discussed this and with Nurse Tori as our text companion we decuded to go..... where? Well why not back to the beginning, Tampa Florida.... after all my son and daughter in law are both MD’s there, we have been in the Medical system there, they have a LVAD hospital, we still have our FMCA coverage, and there are 3 grands that I need to see.... Cut back on the amount of hours we travel each day, altered routes so we are closer to major medical systems, and stopping to and back to visit with dear friends...... should arrive today for a month stay.... even returning will be anticipation that the other 2 grands will be able to come spend time, since school will be out for summer... I am not brave, just take things one day at a time... the only way I know how to deal... making grandiose plans for the future are fun, a trait my oldest son also does, but whther the happen or not, so be it, the plans are a learning tool too..... last tear we talked about buying a home in old Florida, once before we discussed moving to Ecuador... i like where we live, Most important is my best friend in life, Larry, is still by my side......

1 comment:

  1. I read your entire post from Feb. of '17 to most recent. Couldn't put it down. I am 70 yrs. old (male) and in early stages of chf. No real symptoms to speak of yet. Still active and exercise. But I know they're coming. It's been 11 yrs. since I had a massive HA. My Cardiologist is @ Cedars Sinai in L.A. and they tx until age 75. A few yrs. ago they tx a 78 yr. old man, who's doing ok I assume. I hope I make it past the cut off because the advancements in technology and medicine are coming at breakneck speed. And the longer I put it off, hopefully greater advancements . I realize I may not have a choice.I followed the progress of a gentleman in MN who received an LVAD @ age 71 and had it for 12 yrs. And it was a HM 2. A young lady in her late 30s, I want to say, is getting close to 9 yrs. She's decided against a transplant because of her QOL, and also because advances are coming so fast. The Heartmate 3 is a case in point. She is an LVAD nurse. You can google "20 yrs. of the Heartmate 2". I signed anonymous because I don't have a Google email account. And it wouldn't take my Yahoo account. Keep posting please. Wishing y'all all the best. RS


Thank you for your post.