Friday, March 17, 2017

After lunch, I made a Sams Club run....  took the essentials home (CHEESE) And decided to take a rest.... yep, ended up taking an hour nap.....  back to the hospital in time for  driveline dressing change.

Nurse A was super... she offered to let me, but I decided this was a good video opportunity, so I did her step by step........  she was wonderful with her techniques... as she said, each nurse has their own slight differences, but I learned some why's this time....  not just how to's....  it will be a vreat reference for me.

Larry was feeling a lot better since they have gotten so much fluid off... but he is spaghetti'd again....  wound vacuum pump, feet compression pumps, IV if lasix, heart monitor is wireless, but then the real pump, his LVAD.....

About 5 we heard the voices of leprechauns outside the door.... David, Katie, Anna, and Hayes had come to visit...  they last saw him 2 days after we had air ambulanced up.....  so he was in not so good shape....  i could tell from their faces they were glad to see him looking better....  an educational visit as well....  they even got to listen to their blood pressure with the doppler machine.... and enjoyed looking out of the 8th floor windows.... also Baptist Hospital is on a hilltop,   So that makes it seem even taller....

Then I was treated to dinner...

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear the fluids and going now........and that you had leprechauns come visit you two.

    Great idea to video and get the explanation as to why each step is done. For me that would make it easier - understanding is good for me.

    Love the pic by the way!


Thank you for your post.