Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Asking for help is something I am still learning.....  

it does not come easy for me, never has...
Not asking for help led me to taking a bottle of sleeping pills 18 years ago after a divorce... not asking for help was the reason why I was working two jobs trying to keep it all together when Larry and I met....

Not asking for help has always been one of biggest obstacle to overcome.....  I was scared out of my mind last week when we flew into Little Rock.... It was midnight, I had no car, and had to call a taxi to take me to a very dark, very lonely house....  I reached out for help, but that person did not realize I needed help....

I did ask B/P to help with getting the rv and my pups back..  I would never have asked if I had know that they would have had trouble...

And today when all of this was happening so quickly, I did ask for help again.....  I am trying... Thank you Chuck and Sara for taking control... still no word on what is wrong with the rv... B/P and the pups are in a hotel.....right now...   a new adventure for the dogs.....

Thank you Colleen for being such a great spokesperson for our friends....

Before I left the hospital, Larry and I were talking and another patient in the CVICU walked by with his VAD....  and Larry was very positive and said I can do this... I can....  this is the unit we will be in until surgery, and will come back to....   he asks me for help... I need to learn from him....  all i know right now, it feels good to have hope, to have someone love me enough to want to stay with me longer....  i truly feel like our love story is not near the final chapter just yet....


  1. We are all here for you and Larry and waiting to help in anyway we can..........we love you both so much and can't wait to have a celebration GC........So ask Larry and you two tell us where it should be and we will plan it when the time come!

  2. If there's anything I can do to help you...please let me know! I mean that and remember how stubborn you were about asking for help! Prayers for you and Larry and hoping he will be back home with you soon!

  3. I think I speak for Tim, Mary & Ann when I say:
    Please just mention any need you have, I dont consider it a request for help!
    I consider it a privilege to do something for you guys.
    Again, just mention something we can do for you.
    Continued prayers & love !!!

  4. I am so afraid you were talking about me, when you reached out for help! You are going to just call me and just say "come get me", and I will be there! I thought you knew that I don't always read "messages" until the next day. I will always be here for you, but you have said "No visitors, no calls", so I feel so helpless. You have to just say outright what you need me to do! I have never done well with reading between the lines. CALL ME!!! I love you!


Thank you for your post.