Sunday, March 5, 2017

Doing more reading and research..... i found this
 this is Larry's heart surgeon
Dr. Ransom.......  not sure if Larry will get the Heartmate 2 or the new 3...  will find out tomorrow.

Dr. Ransom interviewed on local tv

And yet another first....
every night the dogs sleep in their own crates in our bedroom....  they have free range during the day, with not one, but 2 doggie doors, but at night for their safety and me not having to worry about them tangling with the local racoon and opossums, they get put in their kennels.... always have...

QTπ has always been good about going to hers when you tell her to.... but not LitaBit....   nope, she has to be enticed... when she was a pup, i sometimes had to chase her to catch her...  well last night after their last potty time, she headed back out....  i was just not in the mood, so I was just gonna wait her out...  i was sitting on the bed watching news when I heard her walk in and by herself, she went into her crate and laid down.....   i was in shock....  so was Larry when I told him....
 Bob and Paula might have trained her for me.....  


  1. I wonder if the kennel experience helped too? Remember too dogs are so smart and I believe can feel your moods, emotions and maybe she knew to just give you a break!

  2. I'd love to take credit for it, but we can't.... we had to chase and bribe her at least half the time! She loved to play hard to get. 😉


Thank you for your post.