Friday, March 10, 2017

Hmmmmmm  i came home after lunch.....  he ate....  almost the entire subway tuna that he only ate bites of last night....

I laid down and went to sleep....  nice nap..

went back at 5...  just in time.. dressing change... the more I watch, the easier it will be when it is my turn....  has to be sterile for the driveline dressing....  that is forever.....

Other incisions look great too.....

still no pain..  Larry had a nap too....  he hasnt been sleeping... last night he did with a few benedryl.....  yea...

Tonight he ate pretty good....  half of a small pizza...  he likes the pizza at the hospital.....


  1. Prayers still coming your way.

  2. What a wonderful day and pepperoni pizza 🍕 to boot!!!

  3. Nope,video still not available. Was it Larry's bath? No? Oh well. 😕 😇 So, being a techie & having doctors in the family is a really good thing for both of youse. You'll do better with all this than many folks could. Too bad about the video, but thanks for the updates. It still all sounds encouraging. Sleep well, and say hello to the figs for me. Night, night.

  4. Love all these updates, this looking brighter every day, prayer is a very strong till but a good woman like you is the best medicine of all. Love you guys

  5. I finally could see the video this morning. Pizza! Yep, he's come along nicely. Give that man his pizza!


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