Friday, March 3, 2017

The sun is shining brightly today...  my pups should be at home soon. Larry will have a new lease on life soon.....  these HeartMates give as much as 10 years or so....  that is even without transplant.

For now, all of his vitals are really doing well....   and he is even kinda cheerful...

The amount if training we are already receiving is overwhelming... but they tell us it quickly becomes routine..  another long training on Monday, then more after the procedure.....

The VAD coordinator says they have patients that travel, as well as RV.....  just no swimming...

So I definitely will sell one Kayak, and equipment....  will keep mine for the time being.... anyone interested.... let me know.....  I will post a photo of it. When I can....

We also will probably be selling our Mazda CX9...  had discussed selling it prior..  now we will just be using one vehicle....  even though it is paid for, that will save us on insurance... dont need 2 cars....

Ok.... just letting you all know....  what the status is.....


  1. Have been following all your blog posts. LOVE this post. Let us know when visiting can occur. Love y'all. Robert and Pat

  2. Thats such awesome news!!! Let me know what you want for the Kayak Di and I will see if Hunter is interested. He is in SEA right now but home soon.

  3. Let me know when you can have visitors!


Thank you for your post.