Saturday, April 1, 2017

Good talk last night...  Larry is still worried about being plugged in the rest of his life,  but i keep reminding him without it, there is no rest, and I dont want to be alone yet.... so he said he never thought about it from my side....

but he did sleep better last night, which means I did too.

It is hard to see him plugged in, or carrying his batteries....  but think over time that will get easier too.   It has only been a week home...  he counts recovery from surgery date, but he had a setback that he forgets....

I dont think he has read this blog yet, but he is on his ipad right now....  i dont snoop, so not sure what he is doing.....   but he is doing something, that is good...  oh he said he just ordered coffee beans, he doesnt like my taste in beans....   i like darker with more flavor, he likes breakfast blend.... colored water....

I am getting out just about every day, running errands mostly, but forcing myself to get us both accustomed to me not always being there....   i worry when I leave him, but I know I have to.... he is to call his LVAD coordinator first, then 911, then me......  thats the order....  set his phone up so the LVAD is the first number on his contact list, as well as in his favorites...

Now trying to train the dogs so that when they hear his loud alarm, they are to come find me....  he tests it each morning, and can "check" it, so that is what I am working on..... they have been so good.. neither one has tried to jump into his lap, they will stand in front of him for their scratches....  they havent barked at any of the home health nurses, they know they have to stay out when doing dressing changes....

Wish most of our friends were closer in miles, phone just isnt the same..

This memory popped up on my facebook today..


  1. Today is the first day of the rest of his life...which we all hope will be long. Each day is a survival day. Tell that old fart to do what he is told to do, and keep the batteries charged.

    Prayers still coming to him.

  2. Had a nice long chat with Robert this morning and he told me how to get to this blog. So glad you are home. Diane, I know you can do all the medical care work. It will become very routine in no time. Yes, you will always be tired -- FOREVER! God will see you through. Praying for you and Larry daily. Love to all. Janice


Thank you for your post.