Journey to receiving a LVAD HeartMate iii pump.... while traveling, Larry had 3 heart attacks, this is my story of how he survived and was able to get home and receive his Left Ventricle Assist Device... I am his wife, and there were many moments I thought he would not live. I began writing this as a way to update our family and friends...
Larry has begun making his own posts.... another step to our new normal lifestyle....
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Spent a little bit of time outside,
drinking a cuppa tea (Martin & Sue)
Watching LitaBit wander around.
QTπ sat in my lap most if the time
Listening to the birds
Watched a red headed woodpecker.
Calming time.
There is nothing like a little Sunshine to make the day better. The dogs look so cute. Larry does also. Smooch-smooch Larry.