Sunday, April 23, 2017

One of the adjustments for LVAD patients is no shower for now.....  Larry has a shower bag and eventually will get to shower, but not until more healing takes place....  baby wipes are great, I wash his hair in the kitchen sink for him, at least until he has healed enough to be able to raise his arms up.

But I found 2 great products.....  locally.....

Also here us Larry with his doggy, LitaBit, I cannot even take his vital signs without her supervision.
And speaking of vital signs...  we keep a daily log, he has no pulse any more...  his blood pressure reading has to be done with a cuff and a doppler wand.....  


  1. He has more than a shower bag, he has a BAG.

    (Blond After Grey) Hee hee! Your words, not mine.

  2. You two have sure learned a lot!


Thank you for your post.