Saturday, May 27, 2017

WAYNE, informed me this morning by email, that he hasnt heard from me since the 18th....   yep...  things are going well......  for the most part.

You see, dear Wayne, I have had laryngitis, so could not talk, naturally being a blonde, I thought I could not write either... smile....

Ok, I have had a tiny cold, Larry has as well....   just enough to be bothersome...
Nothing serious....  but our schedule has been full, so I just got preoccupied..

Mondays, we go to clinic for his INR blood test, to get his Warfarin dosage.
Tuesdays, I go to get my Iron infusion, takes all morning.
Wednesday, I had a touch of tummy issue, think now it was another kidney stone moving.
Thursday, this week my mom and friend came over for brunch and visit.
Friday, i had to get blonded.
Today, we did the Walmart rehab therapy walk.

Oh, each day, we have breakfast, do whatever, have lunch, take nap, do dressing change, have a cuppa hot tea, prepare supper, eat.....  so it just seems that time fades from one hour into the next....

So, my friend Wayne.......  that is why I have been quiet...  Possum called one afternoon during dressing change, I missed it, but couldnt talk anyway...   BUT voice is coming back...
Give Earlene my hug.

I am taking really good care of Larry....   plus he smiles a lot more now that he feels better.


  1. Way behind on reading your posts. Hope you are doing better.
    Glad to hear Valerian is smiling more these days

  2. I sure hope you all are well now. Sending love, hugs and prayers!

  3. Get well, both of you and Di, I really have never known a sickness that would stop you from talking! Just sayin'.

  4. p.s., thanks for the update and if you forget again I'll keep nagging.


Thank you for your post.