Thursday, April 9, 2020

Prayers please for Larry....

he was transported to Tampa General Hospital this morning by ambulance... I was trying to get him into my car to take him, but he was too weak, so I called 911....
the response by our local EMS was amazing...  less than 5 minutes...  of course they are only 3 blocks away. But thanks..

Larry is in Severe Renal Failure, and since I am not even allowed in the hospital, Because of corona protocol....  i stayed home.  Tampa General is an hour away, but he is still in Trauma Bay in the ER, where he will be taken to ICU... all I could do if I were there would be to sit in the car.....

The team there has bern great, keeping me posted by phone, but the severity is 10 on a 1-10 scale right now....  all numbers are out of whack, and will possibly do dialysis, which has its own risks, that is after they get his bleeding factor down, and his potassium down....  both are at critical levels right now.

I have friends all over, please add his name to your list tonight...  I am ok, tired, worried, but ok....  he needs your prayers

I will begin to post again on my blog for updates....

UPDATE AT 9:13 pm on Thursday April 9th...

Ok this has been a bad day all sround, but I know how many people care about Larry and me...

At 4 the hospital called and told be they had made an exemption, and I could come spend 24 hours with him....  I arrived at some point, but am still waiting to see him...

Not good...  but they are putting in a central line and will be putting him on dialysis.....  dont know time frames...  but He does need prayers... lots of them, I am ok, he is not....  

My phone and Ipad are needing charging....  but thank you to all of the wonderful health care workers here who have been so great to keep me informed with many phone calls.....

1 comment:

  1. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you my friend.


Thank you for your post.