Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Update on Larry
Tuesday at noon, April 14

Ok. Just talked to nurse.....  Allison, she was with him yesterday as well....

He did have `1 unit of blood yesterday numbers were slowly dropping, hemoglobin now at 9

Stopped dialysis st noon yesterday, then did last night for 10 hours
He is peeing on his own, and eating about 80% of his food and getting protein shakes

Might decide to do hemodialysis hold till tomorrow... watching his numbers
Then will go to dialysis as needed... rather than scheduled.

Map in high 80’s so increased his coreg

The dialysis line he is on is not compatible to the floor type, so before they transfer him they will do a line exchange....  maybe tomorrow on that.....

So will be in ICU until at least Thursday....  which in my mind means he gets better monitoring....

PT coming today to get him up and moving, but he was in his chair for about 4 hours yesterday....

All postives....

It is such a relief to be able to facetime him...  actually I am letting him connect with me, since I dont know how he is feeling or who is there...  he just finished PT

Thank you friends for following and caring....


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