Sunday, April 12, 2020

Sunday 7pm update

Good info phone call with nurse Dillon.... about an hour ago, then Larry just called... as I was typing this update..

Ok. No fever, no pain,
vital signs are all stable...
Heart rate jumped this afternoon to 150, but started carbetasol (sp). And it is normal now
Decided to not stop dialysis yet because he does have a kidney infection,

Creatinine 1.6
Bun 27
Potass 4.4
Mag.    2.2
Phos.   2.5

Will be in ICU at least 3 more days....
i told Dillon I have a concern with the floor, since I cannot be up there....  last time he was in a room at the end of the hall, and the nurses told me, they could not hear his lvad alarms in that room.....

But he is ok with being there for now, and is in much improved spirits, ready to get feeling better....


  1. Whew...I think I have been holding my breath! This is so positive, and that is so encouraging. Prayers and love!


Thank you for your post.