Sunday, April 12, 2020

Update on Larry’s condition.
Sunday, April 12 12:45pm

Larry is doing better today, but still a LONG way to go....  no one has said, but he will be in the hospital for many more days, if not weeks.

he was in severe renal failure.. got that controlled to some extent by putting him on dialysis... and a lot of other bags of fluids.....  his numbers were higher than they have ever been....  severity 10 on a 1-10 scale according to his LVAD nurse.... I was actually allowed to go into the hospital to see him on Thursday night when he was so critical

Then his INR was so very high that he was having gastric bleeds, so got that back down and the bleeds have seemed to stop.

Yesterday they did ct scans, abdomen, chest, pelvis, and he had some pneumonia, temp also was at 101.5.

But this morning his temp is back down, he is breathing better, O saturation is good, and he is more alert...

he is in Tampa General Hospital because he has a LVAD heart pump....  still in ICU, which is fine with me... better monitoring...

i did get to facetime for a very short time this morning, which helped me cope...

thank you all, for prayers, for posts, for texts....  Larry has done this too many times.... survived 4x before when they said he would not make it...  his will to stay with me longer is amazing....

to keep myself occupied, I have been building, cleaning out cabinets, and today making a new batch of egg noodles to dry....  I am not a tv watcher and my mind is too restless to read....

Again and again thank you to his great medical team...

1 comment:

Thank you for your post.