Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Good people

no matter what you see on the “news” programs, there are great people in my everyday life.

The empty house next door to us has been a eyesore since we moved in.  It has had a mixture of  stranger than you can believe inhabitants..... it has been empty and rat infested, it was bad... but it was bought and us now being flipped...  the right way.. just about gutted it...  will be for sale in a short time.....  but the guys who are fixing it have been so nice...  i of course have been talking to them, but they have been nice enough to clean out the areas of our land that is next to the house....   even asking me what i would like removed or left....   today Larry treated them to lunch.....

Another great person....  is Donna.....  her husband had an LVAD, but recently he died...  I am so sorry for her, but yet she reached out to others. D happened to be on a facebook support group that I am also on.  I missed her post, but she was offering his batteries and charger and some other supplies.  I had not been on the group much because of Larrys teeth surgery.......  but yesterday I posted a photo of the embroidery patch I had gotten... D saw the post, realized I was in a nearby town and contacted me....  she even offered to meet me halfway....
Since I am staying close for now, I emailed a friend who lives in that same town, because I knew he and his wife were coming to Little Rock in a couple of weeks.  He offered to get the stuff and bring it up, so I shared D’s infirmation......  amazing D turned out to be his wifes second cousin......  smile..

I went to the dentist today for a deep scaling and cleaning...  new dentist, new peopke, but I feel very comfortable there...  thanks to the team, Dr Mathew Bridwell at Kanis Dental has a great group of people..

Talked to our friends Wayne and Earlene in Texas City on Sunday,
Talked to our friends in Canada tonight..... Dennis and Denise...
Love these great people.......  


  1. Both you and Larry always know we love you both!!!!

  2. Good things come to those who wait for it. Glad to hear of second cousins and transfer of goods.


Thank you for your post.