Thursday, October 12, 2017

Great lab results yesterday....  πŸ”¬better than in a while... πŸ“ˆ
Actually both his and mine were good....

He is feeling good, more energy. Breathing better, and is doing well with soft foods....🍚
My man is a miracle man....

Plus we got our flu shots....  πŸ’‰

Today I replaced lattice on the side deck, bought it, cut it, used air gun to nail it, πŸ”¨then I cleaned up pine needles and a few leaves on both decks and carport.... 🍁 sure hope my energy stays high for a bit longer... moved rock the other day, but still have a few more hours of rock work, also going to nail the risers on the front steps that have come off..

THEN I will be done for a bit, ready to get back to my painting, πŸ–ŒπŸŽ¨ or hmmmm maybe even some traveling....🚍  just never know.....

But the most important thing is Larry is feeling good....  smile, makes me happy.πŸŽƒ

1 comment:

Thank you for your post.